
Chasing the bird

April 2009 was our first day in our Novi rental home. My favorite part in the house is our beautiful balcony that reminds me of home. Back there the balcony serves multiple usage, some of them are laundry hanging, we let the sun take care of the drying part since we are blessed with all year round sun. We use it for sobhiyye, sunday BBQ, late evenings with friends, almaza w loz, chat with neighbors about today's weather. Here we use it for meditation, contemplation and above all observing nature.
The first time my eyes fell on the Cardinal Bird, my heart started pounding so fast (i have never seen a red bird before), i ran of the stairs, picked my camera, went down, started looking for him/her, he/she was gone with the wind. Since then i started chasing even stalking this lovely bird, at last, thursday september 15th while having breakfast, I spotted him/her, I felt confused go up bring camera or stay here looking ?!!!? I decided to give it a "SHOT". I will assume it is a she, since she stayed there posing for me, right/left/back/front. Thank you Mrs. Cardinal for this unforgettable shot.


a hand made wedding anniversary


• Red ribbon
• Magazine, paper
• Scissors
• Perforator
• Red and blue gift wrap
• Glue 

1. Cut your blue gift wrap into two palcemats
2. Draw & cut two big hearts on the red gift wrap
3. Stick them on the blue gift wrap
4. Use any boxes you have to create levels on the table (shoe boxes, corn flakes .... cover them with white paper or draw any shape on them)
5. Draw on magazine small heart shapes, cut them
6. Perforate your hearts, add red ribbon
7. Hang them on chandelier, chairs, table ..... all over
8. Add a wine, milk... bottle to use as a vase
9. Teapot candles for a romantic mood

happy hand made wedding anniversary
PS: don't forget the cards and the food :D


Every time I step into Rustbelt Market, it feels like entering the world of Alice.This week end was about inspiration, encounters and yummy amaretto truffles hand made by Pete's chocolate.
I met Avaya while she was touring on her bicycle with her pink balloon, Larry's wife and her friends while playing a mysterious game that is originally from Lebanon said the lady (seriously ?!?!!). I was standing there, puzzled, waiting for the whole story (she said: we use to have a lebanese neighbor, he asked Larry my husband who is a wood artist, to build him this board game, he wanted to offer them for his family as a souvenir from his country of origins, Larry build it, he taught us how to play and that is how Larry started making those boards ;) learning that made my day. Mae-Mae from Ida soaps, have an amazing energy, very proud of her hand made soaps, she is all over the place chatting, walking ... Here is Chris walking as usual making sure that everything is as it should be, i spot this yellow revolutionary pin on his shirt, I made sure to have one (sarcasm runs in my veins).

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