
make your house your home - FH

Basic recycling lessons and tips to personalize, beautify and make your living space as unique as you:

1. Never throw a biscuit box you like, make it a coupon holder box.
2. Instead of trashing fabric leftovers, make bowls that you can fill with candies.
3. Photos you take, live with them, laminate them and make unique placemats.
It is a personal matter this time ;)


GATEAU de coeur

Mon gâteau d'enfance, biscuit au chocolat, d'autre le nomme succès, le notre est puriste :D. This cake has been, was and still is, a sacred thing. "He" became our life companion. No party, big or small event, cause, consolation, compensation, no reason.... can be done without "Him" around. My mom started designing those amazing shapes herisson with finger and vermicelle, coccinelle, soleil... to continue the legacy (haha) i created this heart.

Recette l 3ayle - Family recipe
6 oeufs - 6 eggs
1 petit paquet de beurre - 250grs butter
1 pincée de vanille - pinch of vanilla
6 grandes cuillères de cacao amer si possible - 6 tablespoon dark cacao
2 verres de sucre - 2 cups sugar
1/2 verre de noix - 1/2 cup walnut
80 biscuits (777 ou 555) - 80 lebanese biscuits (ethnic food shop or middle eastern)

Solve the puzzle.
Do it with love.
It will bring the best of your childhood memories for whomever is tasting it.
In this eating trend era we live in, you can always substitute with what is best for your health.
Merci najo.



May the love fairy help cupid to send his love arrow your way, burst the bubble of love to fill your hearts, homes, life with JOY. Love always. V.Cards found chez mains de fées



You can run but you can not hide :D. This runner will make a magical addition to a tete a tete night or a candle light dinner with a fresh rose petal hand made salad and gateau a la champagne. LOVE always

pour l'amour des fleurs

For the love of flowers. If you can't afford buying them daily, or if you don't have your own garden; just make them.  Make your own hand made garden that you can enjoy, you may offer as a gift or just decorate your walls with a fairies hands touch.
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