
Sobhiyye a la WAFO

[sob.hiy.ye]: noun, a group of family, friends mostly woman that gather together to chit chat (early morning, while you are still in your PJ's :), gossip, solve political and economical problems, talk about the unfortunate neighbors disease, the fortunate jara that bought a new sofa, the man who died yesterday, the new priest at church, the children, the new married couple how cute they look, yesterday TV serie that some are watching, chou l tabkha today, gaining weight, some old fashioned diet advise, it doesn't stop . They share tears, give advice, laugh loud around turkish coffee with petit four or biscuits. An updated version of sobhiyye consist of the same but in english it becomes a brunch where man'ouche extra becomes a must, croissant, knefe even, it depends on the mood. Setting tawlet l sofra and give more attention to detail. Instead of only gossiping they start crafting, crochet from here, souf from there, aubusson, dentelle bretonne.... the result is magical. Others describe that as healing group therapy, community gatherings, craft night.... we simply call it sobhiyye.

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